New to Worship?

Welcome to St. Luke’s! At church, we want everyone to feel at home and as welcome as possible. If you have questions about the church experience, here's what happens on a typical Sunday morning. 

The Entry

The Entry

Once inside you will be immediately immersed into the St. Luke’s community as a number of congregants gather in the entry to exchange greetings before worship. 

The Narthex

Proceed through the glass doors to the Narthex. Here you will find the coat rack and the washrooms (located to your left and both are non-gendered). 

When you are ready to enter the sanctuary, you may be offered a paper bulletin (if we are using one that day), and a visitors envelope, if required, by our greeters. 

A copy of the Church@Work, our weekly newsletter, which will give you a introduction to our ministry, upcoming events and the myriad of programs we offer and or community groups we host each week can be found on our bulletin board.  We'd be happy to copy it for you, as we email it out to approximately 150 households each week. If you would like to be added to our mailing list please send your request to

Our congregation is quite friendly, so don’t be surprised if someone comes up to say hello and introduce themselves. If this happens, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

If you have children, you may wish to locate the colouring tables on the left side of the sanctuary before worship begins. You may sit wherever you and your children like, but we find children like to be able to colour or doodle while they sing and listen to the service.

The Nursery

The Nursery

We love to have you and your wee ones in the sanctuary throughout the service but, if you feel you or your baby or toddler would be more comfortable where they could move about our brightly decorated, well-equipped nursery, feel free!

There is a window into the sanctuary and a speaker so that you may hear the service as your little one plays.  

We are Nursing Mom Friendly. There is a comfy chair in the nursery for you. If you would like to drink a glass of water, there are glasses in the upper shelf in the mini kitchen in the Upper Hall.

The change table is found in the bathroom off the Narthex closest to the doors to the Upper Hall. Supplies are found under the change table. 

If you need assistance with anything, please do not hesitate to ask the greeter. They may not always know the answer but will connect you with someone who will.

The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary

The Hymn Book Rack is located in the Sanctuary between the two doors from the Narthex. If we are using the projection screen, you could sing the hymns from that. But if you read music you may want to pick up a copy of Voices United and More Voices.

We are a congregation that loves community and, because of that, there is a lot of pre-service chatter.

On The Screen

The PowerPoint will be featuring a number of our upcoming events or ongoing programs that we want to draw attention to.

The Service

Like all church services or masses, the congregation (those who have come) has a culture. We sit, we stand, we sing, we listen to singing, we read together, we don’t. The worship leaders try to be very clear in instructing what we do. Bottom line: you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Here are some basics:

Praying: Sometimes the minister or someone else says a prayer that all are invited to listen to. Some people close their eyes, some bow their heads, some place their hands palms-up on their laps. Doing these things helps to change our bodies so the prayer might change our hearts. Sometimes we pray together, pre-written words. These will be in the printed bulletin or on the screen.

Singing: Most of the music in our service is meant for community singing. For most of this, the congregation is invited to stand up. This helps to shift our spiritual energy because of a change in our bodies. And singing while standing is good for our voices! Don’t worry about singing in tune. Just sing from the heart. If you don’t know the piece, feel free to listen until you have a sense of the tune. Or don’t sing at all! We participate simply by listening.

Silence: Sometimes we use silence. If you aren’t used to this, it can feel uncomfortable. As you experience it though, it can bring a feeling of peace and many people find they can sense God’s presence or “voice” with silence. Fidgeting is fine. Don’t worry if you need to sneeze! All are part of life.

The Bible Reading: Simply listen to this story with an open heart and mind. Be curious about what it says to you. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand it’s meaning. The Bible can be confusing. After all, it was written long ago by cultures different than ours. The minister will explain some of it in the sermon.

Money: During the pandemic our offering plates are on a table at the back of the sanctuary. In non-pandemic times these plates are passed down the rows of chairs. Financial gifts are how a church pays its staff, its bills for heat and lights, supplies for Sunday School, and a portion of gifts can go to something called the Mission and Service Fund which supports programs of education, healthcare, refugee work, and more through partners of the United Church of Canada. Do not feel pressured to put money in the plates. Giving to the church should be a spiritual response to wanting to help the church make the world a better place. That response may take time to come into your heart. Click the DONATE button at the bottom of this page to learn more about giving financially.

Leaving: It will be obvious when the service is over. Everyone will stand, start talking, and move to the back doors. If you would like to linger in your chair and simply be or pray a little on your own, feel free.

Coffee & Conversation

We hope when the pandemic ends, we can begin again a time of fellowship and refreshment in the Upper Hall (follow the crowd). All are most welcome! Especially newcomers. Remember, sometimes people will approach you to say hi, but if that doesn’t happen, perhaps you might take that courageous step to introduce yourself. Making a church feel like home takes a welcoming church culture and intentionality of newcomers to involve themselves. Follow your heart!

If you have further questions about what to expect, email the minister at or phone or text him at 902-233-3256.