Local Outreach
For all queries about Outreach Ministries: outreach@stlukesunited.ca
Circle of Support
This is a ministry where a group of people within the congregation bring together their varied gifts and talents and contacts to surround a neighbourhood family with support. They will work in partnership with family members supporting and assisting them in their efforts to overcoming current challenges.
St. Margaret’s Bay Food Bank receives regular support from St. Luke’s with donations collected monthly at worship for Food Bank Sundays, food drive events, on-site volunteer support in the Thrift Store and extras from the Square Roots Program.
Food Bank
The first Sunday of the month is Food Bank Sunday where we take up a collection of foodstuffs, toiletries and cleaning supplies for St. Margaret's Bay Food Bank. The bin for your donations is usually in the foyer outside the sanctuary. Place your items here on your way into worship and they will be blessed when our financial offerings are blessed. Thank you!
Benevolent Fund
A Benevolent Fund has been established. At the discretion of the Minister and Outreach Facilitators, money is available for emergency support. The original monies for this Fund have been provided by the Buy A Bow Campaign organized by the Pastoral Care Ministry. The bows were hung on the Memorial and Celebration Tree . Ongoing, the general congregation and friends of St. Luke’s are encouraged to support the Benevolent Fund Ministry through donation.
Brunswick Street Mission
We are great supporters of our local Mission Unit. During Advent, the live trees in the sanctuary are decorated with underwear, socks and mittens which are delivered to the Brunswick Street Mission to be given to the homeless and working poor of the inner city.
Christmas Giving
During November and Early December, items and money is collected. Toys for children and toiletries for adults are distributed to those in need in the community by the Church and through St. Margaret's Bay Food Bank and to those in the inner-city through Brunswick Street Mission and other helping agencies. Download our Christmas Giving brochure for more details.