Our Call

St. Luke’s is not only a centre for Christian worship and faith but is also actively involved in the community assisting people in times of need, some of whom have had no previous affiliation with St. Luke’s or any formal religion.

This is a very special role which St. Luke’s fulfills in the community. We are known as a church that can be counted on.


St. Luke's CARES

Christ-Centered Worship
Awe-Inspired Learning
Risk-Taking  Outreach
Extra-Ordinary Care
Spirit-Filled Community

To this end, our church Mission and Vision statements inspire our faith community and guide our actions.

Our Mission

St. Luke’s welcomes all people. Together, we are on a journey of Christian faith that calls us to discern and do actions that share God’s love and help heal God’s world.


St. Luke’s aspires to be a thriving Christian family
that publicly, intentionally, and explicitly embraces
everyone unconditionally including all colours,
ethnicities, gender-identities and expressions, sexual
orientations, ages, abilities, and socioeconomic
status in the full participation of all areas of our

We commit to:
• Inclusivity
• Nurturing faith
• Seeking justice
• Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
• Being anti-racist
• Healing the world for a sustainable future

We welcome those who seek hope, peace, love, and a spiritual home following the Way of Jesus.